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The R.E.I.N.V.E.N.T Method of Leavers to Leaders

OP: BELONGING – The book

OP: BELONGING - 'When Did Britain Stop Seeing Us As A Band Of Brothers?'

Gurkhas and Commonwealth soldiers have been serving alongside British soldiers for over 200 years. According to the recent 2021 census, some 100,000 Veterans have served in the British Armed Forces. OP BELONGING—When Did Britain Stop Seeing Us As a Band of Brothers is their story after giving their service to the country.


Podcast- LOS Cast by Samuel T. Reddy

Words From My Network

Paul Bennett
Paul BennettDirector of enterprise, Southampton Business School.

Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It's about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers.

Walter Revell
Walter RevellChairman of the Board Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings , International Finance Bank Miami, SYMX Corporation & CEO, Revell Investment International.

“The first 20 years is about 'Learning from Others' followed by 20 years of 'Leading Others' and the next 20 years is all about 'Listening to Others'.

General Sir Richard Barrons KCB CBE
General Sir Richard Barrons KCB CBEFormer Commander Joint Forces Command UK

"Vision- As a leader you need to be owning the horizon. Work out what's going to happen, be confident in what you do and have a grip on the current event "

David Chang
David Chang VP Global Carnival cruises Miami

"What's money? Failure to manage money can lead to your failure as a spouse, as a partner, as a parent and as a leader. Leading money is the most important factor for your wellbeing"

Admiral Gene Black
Admiral Gene BlackCommander US Navy Strike Group Eight

Listening to Others is a vital skill for a leader:
"People tell you what you want to hear not what you need to hear".

Daniel Priestley
Daniel PriestleyCo Founder Dent Global, Author & Speaker

Our mission is to help our leaders become more visible, valuable and connected doing the things they love.

Amazon Customer
Amazon CustomerReader

I have just finished reading Samuel's excellent book.
Leavers to Leaders is a great read and a great education in reinventing yourself, learning how to use the seven step guide to become a strong and inspiring leader.

Paul McGilivray
Paul McGilivrayCEO of remote

Samuel T. Reddy has written a heartfelt, insightful and sometimes personal guide to all the essential steps and qualities required of today's entrepreneurial leadership.

Lord Mark Price
Lord Mark PriceLife Peer, House of Lords

As leaders we all have to reinvent ourselves and take care of our wellbeing, mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial being.

Lynn White
Lynn WhiteExecutive Vice President, Head of HR Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings

As an experienced HR leader, I found your advice "spot on", practical and relatable.

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