Previous work on intergenerational fairness has sought to define generations by year of birth. The Intergenerational Commission defined the post war generations as the Baby Boomers, born between 1946–65, Generation X, born 1966–80, Millennials, born 1981–2000, and the Latest Generation, born since the year 2000. Whilst these neat birth cohorts are useful for statistical analysis, they do not fit with the reality of people’s experience or changes in demography over time. They do not take account of recent or future improvements in life expectancy or changes in social and policy expectations. For example, young people are entering the workplace later and a generally healthier population is blurring the barrier between retirement and working life. This approach has led to a failure to appreciate the changing needs of the so-called 100-year life1 and to plan accordingly. Read the full report below.

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About Samuel T. Reddy

Samuel T. Reddy is passionate about seeing the best in leaders. He is a visionary global leader, leadership advisor, author, researcher and an impact enterpreneur based in the United Kingdom. Samuel is a multi award winning member of the British Armed Forces, an International Bestselling author of the book Leavers To Leaders, which has reached an Amazon #1 bestseller in the UK, USA, Australia and Canada. He is the CEO of TriAtis Global, a UK based international learning and development organisation specialising in career & leadership development in 3 continents to keep Leaders relevant, rigorous and responsive. He is an Inspirational Keynote Speaker on various topics including the ‘3 L.O.S of Leadership’ & the ‘Leaders Operating System’.

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