I recently talked about the ‘ABC of moving on’ at an event and this question was asked:
I’m facing a job change and I’m thinking about my next step. In reflecting, I realise that I’ve never had a plan or vision for where I want to be and have just let chance guide me. How should I proceed?
My answer is this:
Be deliberate in thinking about what is important to you right now and what you would like in the coming years. Then take a reality check. Even though you didn’t have a road map, think if you would actually change your path and what you would do differently. Let ideas flow about how you should proceed.
Most importantly, don’t go through this alone. Talk to friends, family, and colleagues about their paths. You may find that your route through life is more common than you thought, which may give you some reassurance. Plus it may provide ideas on how to adapt if that’s what you want to do.
Finally if you are still unsatisfied with your current situation here is a vital question that has allowed me to get to where I am today:
‘If you keep doing what you have been doing in the last five years, what would you achieve, where would you be in the next five years’.
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