Most people are afraid of changing career, even if they wanted it so much, because of the risks and uncertainties involved. They do not know what will happen. They will start from zero which would mean they will have to count for years before they will get promoted. Some have become comfortable with their lives despite the questions deep inside their hearts about their career-choice. So they choose to stay and live a career life that is outside their passion. Fulfilment, contentment, environmental factor, and financial consideration are, I think, four main reasons why an employee chooses to stay or leave a job.

So change means learn, how often should you transition?
Transition too early, and you`ll look like you`re a job hopper with commitment issues-but transition too late, and it might be difficult to catch up with younger colleagues ( may be even take a pay cut). Generally speaking, the best time to make the switch is after you`ve mastered your original speciality and your growth has plateaued.
Transition has to be intentional so you can step into action that frees you from the tyranny of someone else`s priorities. Therefore, as you manage your career, you need to understand how to broader trends in industry volatility affect your employability. You must learn how to preserve the value of your accumulated experience while carefully examining whether your current position is helping you acquire new, enduring skills. Career transition takes a lot of courage. It takes a lot of heart. One definitely needs the support of family and friends. I realised this for the very first time when I was 22 years old, l have been working for the local government for 5 years and now I was moving to the UK. Transitioning from a career you have known for long to a new one even with the excitement of an easier life is very challenging. There are frustrations in the midst of failures and struggles. There are feelings of “did I make the right decisions?” or “should I go back?” Giving up a job you held on for a long period means you are looking for something more; contentment, fulfilment, better environment, or better pay.
Not all people have the courage to apply for a new job especially when one is not considered young anymore. Yet if passion is the reason to change career, then go for it.
Be open to and ready for change

In 1989 Charles Hanry wrote the book ‘the age of unreason`, in his book he predicted that career will be a portfolios of different jobs rather than one position that’s lasted for decades and he was right.

In 2007 The New York Times said when it comes to careers, change is a constant, jumping off track has cachet. At that time they predicted people would change job an average of 3 times in their lives. But by 2010 it jumped 7, 2015 jumped to 10 and March of this year the US bureau of labour & statistic estimated 12 to 15 career change per person. So if you haven’t change job once or a few times you are already behind. You can also read my other blog on Change.