For many, transitioning into the new year comes with resolutions. They’re easy to make, but hard to stick with.
Resolutions may include losing weight, trying to save more money, better sleep, exercising and getting up early.
However, you may also feel uncomfortable with your present situation at work, may be undervalued or overlooked. If so, I urge a new year’s resolution.
Take ownership of your career!
Transition is never easy, i know i have been there so many times in my life but here are a few tips:
1. Surround yourself with people who will support you.
2. Build your portfolio of network, not just linkedin but also offline. Study shows that most people find their next job within their network, from those who already know, like & trust them.
3. Plan a career that fits with your passion and gives you the work life balance.
#careerchange #transition #leaversToLeaders #digitaltransformation #networking
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